Service Agreement Terms and Conditions
This agreement (“Agreement”) is made between RNP, INC (“SimpleTAX”) and the electronic return originator using Electronic Filing Identification Number (“EFIN”) entered on the order form (hereafter referred to as the “ERO”). The parties agree to the following:

1. TERM – This Agreement shall become effective on the last date agreed to by the parties as noted on the attached form (“Service Agreement”) and shall remain in effect until the expiration date (the “Term”).

2. SERVICES – SimpleTAX will provide ERO with the following: (a) the software requested by ERO on the Service Agreement, (b) transmission and processing services needed to electronically file through SimpleTAX, and (c) general support for the duration of the Term. ERO acknowledges that Bank Products are offered by participating financial institutions (the “Banks”) pursuant to agreements between SimpleTAX, Software Developers, and the Banks. A breach of this Section will cause ERO Software and Services to be discontinued immediately. ERO holds all parties harmless for the discontinuation of Software and Services for all damages.

3. FEES – ERO agrees to pay SimpleTAX the annual product fee set forth on the Service Agreement. Fees include Transmission Fee*, Service Bureau Fee, eFile Fee, Business Return Fee*, Bank Fee, and Technology Fee**. Transmission Fees*, Bank Fees, and Technology Fees** are established at the sole discretion of the Banks and/or Software Developers and may be fixed at some point after the execution of this Agreement. SimpleTAX reserves the right to adjust the quoted fees, at any time between execution and delivery of software, to reflect such changes. ERO agrees that fees are quoted based on the ERO’s production reports presented at the time of this Agreement and will be reviewed throughout the Term. Material differences in projected production and actual production could subject the ERO to additional fees. Any outstanding fees due from ERO may, at SimpleTAX’s discretion, be invoiced to ERO. All invoices are due on receipt. Invoices not paid in six (6) days of receipt are considered overdue and will result in immediate suspension of services. ERO agrees to pay interest at the rate of 6% per seven (7) days on outstanding balances.

4. FINANCIAL INSTITUTION – ERO Agrees to use the Integrated Banking Partners (TPG, Refund Advantage, Republic, EPS Financial, and Refundo) for all returns processed with the Software that is accompanied by a bank product. A breach of this Section will cause ERO Software and Services to be discontinued immediately. ERO holds all parties harmless for the discontinuation of Software and Services for all damages.

5. OWNERSHIP, CONFIDENTIALITY, AND NON-DISCLOSURE – ERO acknowledges that the SimpleTAX services are the exclusive and confidential property of SimpleTAX or the Licensors from whom SimpleTAX secures such products or services. ERO shall have a personal nonexclusive, non-transferable license to use the Software for ERO’s business. ERO shall treat as confidential and not disclose any of the SimpleTAX processes, client lists, proprietary data, information or documentation related thereto, or any pricing on product information furnished by SimpleTAX.

6. REFUND POLICY – SimpleTAX will provide a full refund for the purchase of tax preparation software, provided that the request is made within fourteen (14) days of the execution of this Agreement. No refund will be provided for software purchased after December 1st, of the current year. A refund request will automatically forfeit all rights to receive any and all additional credits, reserve amounts, rebates, or bonuses that would have otherwise been offered by SimpleTAX. A refund of the purchase of tax preparation software may only be given once in the ERO’s SimpleTAX account history.

7. ERO REPRESENTATIONS – ERO hereby represents, warrants and agrees that: (a) it possesses, is in compliance with, and shall maintain during the Term, all of the required approvals, licenses, and certifications required by federal, state, and local laws and regulations for conducting its business, (b) it will furnish SimpleTAX with each EFIN it maintains with the IRS prior to the beginning of tax season, and (c) all applications for Bank Products made by the ERO shall be transmitted for processing through SimpleTAX.

8. INDEMNITY – ERO hereby agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold SimpleTAX harmless from any and all claims, actions, demands, suits, losses, costs, expenses, and liabilities whatsoever, including reasonable attorney’s fees and expenses of litigation, on account of any such real or claimed damage or liability occasioned in whole or in part by any act or omission of SimpleTAX, its agents or employees.

9. DEFAULT – ERO will be in default of this Agreement if ERO fails to timely perform any of its obligations under this Agreement. In the event of default, SimpleTAX may pursue legal or equitable remedies available to SimpleTAX, including without limit, termination of the SimpleTAX Services, money damages, and injunctive relief. ERO acknowledges that pursuant to SimpleTAX’s agreements with its Licensors, Licensors are prohibited from providing products and services to ERO without SimpleTAX’s consent. As a result, ERO may not secure products or services from Licensors either before or after a default. All rights and remedies of SimpleTAX shall be cumulative and not exclusive, and such rights and remedies may be exercised and enforced concurrently and whenever and as often as occasion therefor arises. Failure to pursue any remedy shall not result in a waiver of such remedy.

10. MISCELLANEOUS – This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of Texas, and the venue shall be proper only in Harris County, Texas. The parties hereby expressly waive the venue in any other county. This Agreement including the Service Agreement embodies the entire agreement and supersedes any and all prior negotiations as to the subject matter hereof. No amendment or modification of this Agreement shall be valid unless made in writing and signed by the parties hereto.

SimpleTAX’s liability in connection with the tax preparation software package shall, in no event, exceed the amount paid by the ERO for the license. In no event shall SimpleTAX be liable for any consequential damages, lost profits, special damages, or any other damages or expenses. This clause shall survive the termination of this Agreement.

*Depending on the software you choose, the Transmission Fee may range from $10.00 to $29.95 and the Business Return Fee may range from $0.00 to $35.oo. **Depending on the software you choose, the Technology Fee may range from $4.00 to $39.95.